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Saturday, April 13, 2024

08:00 AM  
ACC Fun Run to Harper's Ferry

Destination Change from Falling Water - There weekend tours were completely booked.

ACC Fun Run to Harper's Ferry WV

Saturday, April 13, 2024

We are traveling to Harper's Ferry, WV, to visit the town of Harper's Ferry.

Meet at Cracker Barrel in Altoona - Breakfast on your own - The group will be leaving at 8:00 am

We will have a great drive, great food and amazing company.  Corvette's are optional for this early run.

Parking at the Visitor's Center will be $20.00.  We will take the bus to the town.

Please RSVP to Nancy Imler at NJImler39@aol.com or 814-931-2312 by Friday, April 5, 2024

About this place

About these results

If you are looking for a place to explore the past and enjoy the present, Harpers Ferry might be the perfect destination for you. This town in West Virginia is where John Brown's raid on a federal arsenal ignited the Civil War, and you can learn more about this event and its aftermath at the national historical park. You can also admire the scenic views of the Shenandoah Valley and the confluence of the Shenandoah and the Potomac Rivers, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, biking, kayaking, and fishing. Harpers Ferry is a small town with a big history and a lot of charm.